Working with you to restore the blueprint of brain design

We are so glad you are here.

At the Brain Bloom Room we are on a mission to nurture & grow understanding about Neuro-development & how we can help our brains to rewire for robust health & wellness in Aotearoa New Zealand. 

We believe that supporting this process through our programmes gives our entire body the foundation it needs for us to heal & restore, so we can become resilient & whole.

How we can help at the Brain Bloom Room

Our practice is informed by the work of Dr. Robert Melillo & backed by Harvard University research

Dr. Melillo is a neurologist, brain researcher & the founder of Brain Balance (USA) and The Melillo Method™.   Brain Bloom Room Founder Michelle Lowe came across Dr. Melillo and his work as she searched for answers in this space and is very grateful to have his work informing the practice of The Brain Bloom Room here in Aotearoa New Zealand.  Meet Michelle and learn more about her journey and that of the Brain Bloom Room below.

Client Experience

Every family we work with is exceptional & very special to us.  We feel very blessed to be part of their journey.  Here Kelly, one of our lovely Mothers describes her family experience of the Brain Bloom Room Intensive Therapy week.  Thank you Kelly for sharing so beautifully.

To see more about what we get up to at our clinic take a look here...

How we work with you

At the Brain Bloom Room we spend time getting to know our clients to learn exactly what their unique needs are.  We know that while every person has their own challenges, they also have their own unique optimal brain blueprint that we can journey towards together.

We put personal programmes in place for our clients to address issues, beginning from the very foundations of brain development. This supports the development of new lifelong neural networks to link to all areas of the brain resolving attention and learning difficulties. 

Whāngaia, ka tupu, ka puawai

That which is nurtured, blossom then grow


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